CarbonLite is Carbon Negative!

  •   February 10, 2021, 10:30 am

At CarbonLite, we take our impact on the environment very seriously. We have been measuring our GHG emissions for a few years; and are pleased to continue to reduce our emissions. This year we have...

Did You Know? – What is the average star rating of a Passive House?

  •   November 26, 2020, 4:07 pm

Did You Know? - What is the average star rating of a Passive House? It is impossible to compare the star rating to Passive House analysis – it is like comparing a pair of roller...

Meet our Director – Burkhard Hansen – Q&A

  •   September 11, 2020, 2:10 pm

We caught up with CarbonLite Director, Burkhard Hansen, to learn more about his journey in the building industry and the formation of CarbonLite. Have a read of our Q&A below Q: When did you first...

Recent Posts

CarbonLite is Carbon Negative!

At CarbonLite, we take our impact on the environment very seriously. We have been measuring our GHG emissions for a [...Read More]

Did You Know? – What is the average star rating of a Passive House?

Did You Know? - What is the average star rating of a Passive House? It is impossible to compare the [...Read More]

Meet our Director – Burkhard Hansen – Q&A

We caught up with CarbonLite Director, Burkhard Hansen, to learn more about his journey in the building industry and the [...Read More]